Friday, September 18, 2020

The Problem With Most eSports Games

I grew up playing video games when you were considered almost an outcast for doing so and that was at the time when "eSport" meant you attended a video game tournament either at a friend's house or at a local comic book store. The eSport of today is definitely more fleshed out with a structure similar to that of their more physical sport counterpart.

There's a problem with the eSport of today and its the fact that some of them require their athletes to get familiar with an entirely new version of their game every year. If we think of Call of Duty series, for example, they release a new game every year forcing the pros to learn new mechanics. While it's true that, at least to a casual player, it may not be that different but the nuances in gameplay are noticed by the pros enough so that they need to spend time re-learning them.
I think we can all understand this problem and why the likes of Counter Strike Go, Rainbow Six Siege and Overwatch may be a better path for pros. Those games are tweaked every patches but it's generally not as big of a change as the total make-over of a new Call of Duty entry. The problem that those game faces, however, is the dwindling gaming community. It can be difficult to maintain a community interested in a game that is a few years old no matter how good it is.

eSport is a more dynamic field than traditional sport. It constantly needs to adapt to the wimps of the fan base. If there's not enough fan interest in a eSport league then it either dies or need to re-invent itself via a new game entry. The lack of consistency is a bit of a frustration for me but we do live in a wonderful time as far as video game is concerned. I'm not longer an outcast - I'm part of a majority.

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