The Father, Far Cry 5's "psychopath", is the religious cult leader and uses a modified version of the bible as the basis of his teaching and not all of his "teachings" are non-sense. There has been times when I told myself "yeah he's crazy but that part is true" and it added a different dynamic to the overall experience.
Another thing that plays in Far Cry 5 favor is the music the cult uses to brainwash it's members. It plays on the radio station and they all sound religious-ish with a definite love of the religious cult undertone. If you haven't cleared out an area, you can't go 5 minute without hearing this music which is a wonderful, constant, reminder that the religious cult influence is present and needs to be brought down.
No other games in the series uses the music this way and few other games do.
If you haven't played Far Cry 5 yet then you definitely should give it a go - it often goes on special for less than 20$ nowadays.
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