Friday, November 30, 2018

The Playstation VR is a Disappointment in Cinema Mode

Things such as video headsets , VR and augmented reality are the entertainment of the future. This past weekend, I wanted a taste of that future by buying the PS VR. My plan was to use it, mostly, in cinema mode to watch movies while the TV is in use.

My biggest struggle with the headset is to get the right view angle. In VR mode, this isn’t a big issue considering that the center of the screen is where you’ll be looking at most times and that is usually pretty clear once it’s setup.

Aside from the less than ideal resolution, the biggest problem with the Playstation VR is with the Cinema mode. For those of you who doesn’t know, cinema mode is not VR. You basically put the glasses on and it’s like you’re viewing a super big screen TV. Depending on screen size you’ve set (small/medium/large), you have to move your head to see each sides of it. The core of the issue is that everything not directly in front of you is a blurry mess which makes things less than ideal in this mode.
Again, this isn’t a problem in VR mode because you’re expected to move your head to where the bulk of the action is. Everything else doesn’t have to be crystal clear.

There are already rumors of a PS VR2 - either remove the cinema mode or make it so that it's clear from the get go.

What's been your experience with the PS VR?

Friday, November 23, 2018

Bye Bye Pokemon?

I’m in my early 30s and I’ve been playing pokemon games, on and off, since the original Red/Blue game came out back in the mid 90s. I’ve recently picked up the latest iteration, Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and found myself struggling to get into it. Are my Pokemon Trainer days behind me?

Throughout the years, the game received some tweaks and improvements. Most notably is the changed from 2d sprites to a fully 3d environment with the introduction of Pokemon X/Y in 2013. It was, admittedly, long overdue and what the series needed to still feel fresh. A few iteration of that later and we now have a beautiful rendered world on the more powerful Switch.

So what’s wrong?

Well nothing is wrong with the game itself. How you catch pokemons is different in Let’s Go pikachu but everything else is pretty much the same. You go in, catch some pokemons, train them and beat some gyms. Don't change what isn't broken ... Rinse/Wash/Repeat…

The problem is with me. I’m no longer part of the demography that Gamefreak is targeting with their games… I actually haven’t been part of it in a long time but I would still manage to find some enjoyment in it all. Now, alas, it is somewhat gone.
I’m not saying I won’t play through it. I just have a bunch of other, more interesting, games to get through prior to picking this up.

Pokemon, sadly, is now at the bottom of my list of games to play. If you have a kid, however, this is sure to peak their interests.

Friday, November 16, 2018

When Tech Companies Become Too Big

There are laws in place that prevents companies to gain monopoly in a specific area but it sometime feels like the tech industry are above these laws. While it's true that Google isn't the only search engine around ... they are dominating the game to the point that they have a bigger degree of control than every other search engine companies combined. They have the power to omit certain companies in their search results, or show one over the other, which could mean thousands of dollars lost in revenue for which ever company Google's search functions doesn't favor.
They also control what data they keep from each visit and what they do with it.

Google isn't the only company doing this - there are others that we all know and use on daily basis.

My point is that big tech companies are making the rules and we do not currently have a government that understand these enough to say anything about them. As a result, every second day, we hear of controversies surrounding data breach because these companies are not following proper security procedures (maybe they shouldn't have that much data on us in the first place though?) or are not quick enough to update them to the latest and greatest.

This problem isn't going away. We need a full time tactical task force of ethical hackers that would bombard these companies left and right to ensure, at the minimum, that our data is safe. When ever a breach is found, a hefty fine would be given to the company with a timeline for when the issue needs to be resolved by. If they don't comply, then maybe a cease and desist is required.

Maybe something like this already exists and we just don't know about it but my online searches on the subject have always returned empty. Do you have information on this that I don't? Comment below!

Friday, November 9, 2018

What Need For Speed (2015) got Right!

I was reluctant in experiencing the Need For Speed series once Ghost games took over but I was pleasantly surprised at what they did with it. While Need For Speed Payback is fun to play, it removed some of Need For Speed (2015) mechanics that made it so much better.

Ghost Game created a world in Need For Speed (2015) where the player actually felt like he was a street racer. With cops all around, other players cruising by in their pimp out rides in the middle of the night. Everything just felt like it was authentic street racing.
Sure, some people didn't like the fact that it was always online - that when you race, you sometime hit another player that is crusing in the opposite direction... but doesn't it just add a little bit of realism to this arcade world?
Being "always night time" was a big disappointment for many as well but I would argue that most street racing occurs at night when the traffic is at it's lowest - which is the reason why it is the general setting of the game.

Ghost Games made changes in Need For Speed (2015) that was underappreciated by fans hence why Payback feels so much like a comeback to the comfort zone of the series. Payback is an enjoyable experience that is forgettable as a result of this familiarity. Need For Speed (2015) stands out and I find myself still picking this one up over Payback to this day.

Which of the 2 games you like the most? Do you agree/disagree with what's been said here? Comment below!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Launch of Atlantic eSport League

All signs shows that eSport is becoming the next big thing in the competitive industry. There are talks of having divisions of it at the Olympics, big pockets are investing in it and news outlets now have sections dedicated to the discipline.

To me, this means that we need to have a more leagues, more circuits, more people managing everything behind the scenes. This is why i created the Facebook group Atlantic eSport League - a East Canadian eSport division. The idea is to find, and connect with, those interested in contributing in this growing industry.

Do you live in Atlantic Canada? Are you looking to join a eSport team in the area? Do you have a team already? Do you have other ways to contribute to the cause?

Click here to join!